Tuesday, July 10, 2007

in love with Elva Hsiao and SHE...


i'm in love with elva's new song, 表白. (the 1st song on my this playlist now) i think its very upbeat, altho quite techno, i like! bcos it puts me in a cheery mood. on the train ride to office this morning, i put the song on repeat mode on my ipod, and i ended up listenin to the song for 16x. hahahahah... i tink i'm addicted to the song liao. not that i have anybody to 表白 to, haha, jus think its a nice song, very suited for elva. and when i listen to it, i feel 超 high 的. 最近常常自high. hahahah!!!

next, i'm in love with SHE. cos i realised they are really very funny n hilarious! and like to 耍宝 all the time.. hahaaha..
and i tink Hebe is very cute n sexy. hahahah!!
i saw them being interviewed on an entertainment news show, they were in their hotel room, with ppl doing their hair n make up.

#1 reason to love them, they are all playin DS Lite! haha.
#2 reason to love them, the following conversation took place:

Selina: This dog's name is now Hebe! haha!
Hebe: Oh shit oh shit, oh shoot oh shoot...
Selina: (speakin to the microphone on her DS) Sit!
Ella: 你讲台语, ZEH BEY!! ('sit down' in hokkien)
*at this time im already laughin like mad*
Selina: 不行啦!
Ella: 你用台语训练它啦, 为什么要养个外国狗?
Selina: Zeh!! (she also 暗笑) 它会 con-few-si 啦 (that's the way she pronounced confused, haha)
Ella: 你给我 zeh bey!
Selina: 人家是英文系的. Sit! 你看, 'sit' 它立刻就了解.
Ella: 你是叫它 ker 'si' (去死), 它当然会讲 "ho, wa ker si" (好, 我去死)
Selina: bo lah!!
Ella: 你说 '好! 你 ker si, niao 屁!' 看它会不会应.

hahahah.. damn hilarious! i laughed til cannot make it...

i really need laughter in my life.

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