Monday, October 15, 2007

hebe: 舞动精灵,台版 beyonce

during a talk show in china, SHE said 她们以前看起来很怪, and they were shown their first ever mv "beauty up my life" as sort of a 精彩回顾. 3 of them looked at the big screens behind them, very 专注的眼神... den comes a scene in the mv where Hebe was in the centre, doin her solo dance, the following conversation took place:

selina: 好媚 eh 老婆 (referrin to hebe), 舞动得好 high 哦!
hebe: (excitedly) 舞动精灵!!
ella: 哈哈!好 high 哦!Wah-Woo!!Waah-Woo!(clapping and screaming away)
selina: 老婆!
hebe: 我好狂哦!
ella: 老婆,你好厉害哦!好狂野啊!
selina: 老婆, 你怎么现在都不那么狂了呢?

- the mv ends here, camera is back on the 3 of them-

host: 跳得很好啊
ella: 狂野啊,老婆! (giving 2 thumbs up)
hebe: 其实我那时候如果好好培养,现在应该就是台版 beyonce
selina & ella: 对!
hebe: 就是没培养到,真是的
ella: 辣的 leh!
host: 你从小就会跳舞吗?
hebe: 不会,但是我是小的时候,我会觉得比别人就是会,就是有节奏感,比较会舞动身躯。 所以我刚刚舞动得很尽情。可是后来,渐渐我们是学老师教我们哪一拍做什么动作的时候,我发现我没有办法被规定。我的肢体没有办法被规定做什么样的动作。我觉得我做跟别人一摸一样动作的时候,我会特别怪, 然后就觉得,啊!我跳舞好难看,就觉得很没有自信,我就觉得自己很怪。
host: 你跳得很好啊!
hebe: 我觉得很棒! (and all 3 of them laughed like anythin)

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