since its limited to 1500 people. i was there very early in the morning. and guess what? there were already ALOT of people. to be frank, i was really bored. i mean, what am i gonna do for the next hours since i'm in the queue now? hahhaa... play NDS, listen to ipod, watch videos on my phone. sit until legs went numb.
event supposedly started at 2pm. they came at around 2.30pm, of course we were all outside queuing, don't know what's happening on the stage inside. haha. by 3pm, it was my turn already. because the security people were very quick to get u off the stage, everything was very well organised, and S.H.E signed pretty fast too. so i was on stage for like maybe 8 seconds. LOL.

after i went down the stage, i tried to squeeze in around stage area to snap some photos. and i counted, in a minute, abt 8-30 people went up and down the stage. depending if there's a jam. like for example, ur getting them to sign 2 items, but at the end u realised ur handed back 1 item, means someone in front of u took it away! so there's slight confusion causing the jam. but overall they will manage to handle the situation very fast, because the sticker tag (they want u to past on ur right side chest) will state how many and what items ur signing, so u also cannot bluff ur way and take what does not belong to u. haha.



the entire thing ended at around 4pm. so i think i was like in the first 500 people loh. the number tags they gave out were in random, they just have exactly 1500 tags to give up, but just not in order, so u could be the first in Q but given a tag numbered 0853 or something. haha.
OH! S.H.E said that there will be a singapore concert!!! in next year 2010. haha. it was mentioned in the official HIM site that the taiwan one will be in May 2010. so nobody really knows when will be singapore's turn. even S.H.E said they just don't know when, but there will definitely be a singapore one. haha. YAY!
btw, there was this lady (i think maybe organisers of osim or what) who kept walking up and down the stairs connecting the stage and the floor. i mean, what the hell? she also got nothing to do on stage, but she just kept standing on the stairs area, and blocked the view, and blocked people's way. best part, she was up on the stairs chatting with her crew people on the floor. siao. u want to chat u stand on the floor level with them can? what for u stand on the stairs and block everything, and all ur doing is chat with people. she was blocking my view of S.H.E loh!!