S.H.E finally came on stage and their first words were: "新加坡朋友们好, 我们是 S.H.E!"
Selina: "嗨! 好久不见, 你们想我们吗? 我们也很想你们."
Ella: "嗨! 好久不见, 我们也很想念新加坡哦."
Hebe: "嗨! 赶快检查自己有没有赘肉啊, 赶快来买 uKimono."
HAHAHA!!! Hebe is so funny.
i took an awful load of photos and videos. videos mainly, because they were talking and chatting... super excited to see them so high. oh yah, they actually came down from the escalator (the super long escalator from level 1, all the way down B4) and the host said they're gonna 从天而降.
the event supposedly starts at 4pm, but they arrive at abt 5pm, and left around 5.40pm. they needed to rush to the indoor stadium for the 新加坡金曲奖, sigh, why everytime they come here the schedule 排得满满 and so 赶?and they always 来去匆匆...
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