读到 selina 说她在北一女的故事,让我很怀念中学的时期。虽然不太记得,但印象中好像满 carefree 的,每什么压力。i was very very low profile in class, and didnt have a clique of very very good friends or 死党. the only thing i knew was to do homework and study for tests. hahaha! the stories Selina wrote were somewhat very happening, because for me, i didnt know the meaning of being rebelious and 不会和老师顶嘴。i think the most 叛逆 thing i ever done was skip track and field. i hated that CCA (课外活动). the teachers and coaches were simply crap.
看到Hebe拍的好多张照片。日本,泰国,等等... so many places! 顿时觉得自己的世界好小。生活也乏味,我梦想中的生活是多姿多彩。一直幻想: 喝个class的下午茶。没事飞台北逛逛。放假时飞纽约买衣服,再到L.A的某某bar看帅哥美女。 hahahaha...
Ella说她像个小太阳,永远照亮别人。其实她内心满忧郁的。这一点还和自己有像leh. i like making lame jokes, 跟朋友聊天时喜欢说好笑的事件/故事。但自己不是开心的。sigh.
it's an interesting book. i mean, who knew that S.H.E would release a book that they themselves are authors? a fan once asked Hebe if she would ever author a book, as Hebe 的文字很特别/创作能力满强的 (she also writes lyrics!), and Hebe replied "应该不太可能" hahaha... 所以真的很意外,她们出写真书。她们的 “跟我一起去旅行” 我有买!! hehe. another thing that took me by surprise is, 原来 selina used to bully her little sister, because she's jealous of all the attention 妹妹 is receiving. hahahaha...
她们出唱片,出书,出写真,开演唱会,设计衣服,主持节目,拍戏,又那么综艺/会搞笑,开电台当DJ, 真的是好多元化,不知道下一步她们会有什么新鲜的尝试。开个S.H.E的综艺节目?! 哈哈,应该会忙死她们吧!
希望 S.H.E 能多来新加坡!因为我飞到台北也见不到她们 lah,
「S.H.E is the One@爱而为一」世界巡回演唱会, 首站 at 香港红墈体育馆 16/17 October 2009.
期待 S.H.E 在新加坡的演出。 Yay!!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Top Girl. the one in taiwan.
i like this brand!

yup, those are the 2 t-shirts i bought. i sorta regret i didnt buy more. was on tight budget lah, sigh. anyway, 重点是,i was watching on youtube and i saw a show that featured S.H.E modeling and promoting Top Girl clothings. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pq6uF1qfH3U can check this clip out, the tv show was aired in May 2009. take a look at WHAT HEBE IS WEARING!
HEBE 穿的衣服,就是我在台北买的Top Girl t-shirt! YAY!!!!!!! do we have the same taste or what???!!! and what are the odds!??! 好开心!!! and so exciting! i told huixin that Hebe wore the same t-shirt that i bought. she was like "zzz... congrats." i think she cannot believe i'm so crazy about Hebe to this extent. hahaha

没想到,竟然能和Hebe有相同的taste, 选了同个款式.
haha. oh yah, we went 新竹 too, i wanted to go to the restaurant “晴天” that Hebe's brother opens. Hebe's a share holder i think. i remember seeing them on tv, introducing the dishes, i was like, when i do go to taiwan, i have to go the restaurant!
so we took train, walked A LONG WAY from the 火车站,to this small road call 文喜街. i remember passing by the big canal, everywhere was low rise buildings, not very city-like lah, the place. finally found the place, to my horror, its become another shop!!!!! sigh. sigh. sigh. how come close shop liao never mention one. Hebe went on their official site and left a message, encouraging fans to visit her restaurant. but close liao also never say anything. very disappointed loh. sigh!
anyway, while we were at hsin chu, i happened to see a Top Girl store just near the train station. very happy! i was just wondering and worrying how do i visit a Top Girl shop, as i need to buy their special limited edition t-shirts designed by S.H.E themselves. it wasn't released yet when i went to the outlet in taipei. so very lucky i managed to spot the store. in the end i only bought Selina's t-shirt. i wanted to buy all 3, but aiyah, on tight budget. i feel full of regrets now loh. SIGH!
when i was in taiwan back in march 2009, i remember chionging to the Top Girl shop in one of the shopping building in the taipei main station area. Top Girl is the brand that's S.H.E 代言的. i bought 2 t-shirts from there, the sales person was like "你喜欢S.H.E?" hahahah.. i was a little embarrassed, bcos it seemed i'm a little too old to be a S.H.E fan, hahah. i just nodded, and she gave me their catalogue for the current season. i was so happy!! haha.
yup, those are the 2 t-shirts i bought. i sorta regret i didnt buy more. was on tight budget lah, sigh. anyway, 重点是,i was watching on youtube and i saw a show that featured S.H.E modeling and promoting Top Girl clothings. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pq6uF1qfH3U can check this clip out, the tv show was aired in May 2009. take a look at WHAT HEBE IS WEARING!
HEBE 穿的衣服,就是我在台北买的Top Girl t-shirt! YAY!!!!!!! do we have the same taste or what???!!! and what are the odds!??! 好开心!!! and so exciting! i told huixin that Hebe wore the same t-shirt that i bought. she was like "zzz... congrats." i think she cannot believe i'm so crazy about Hebe to this extent. hahaha

没想到,竟然能和Hebe有相同的taste, 选了同个款式.
haha. oh yah, we went 新竹 too, i wanted to go to the restaurant “晴天” that Hebe's brother opens. Hebe's a share holder i think. i remember seeing them on tv, introducing the dishes, i was like, when i do go to taiwan, i have to go the restaurant!
so we took train, walked A LONG WAY from the 火车站,to this small road call 文喜街. i remember passing by the big canal, everywhere was low rise buildings, not very city-like lah, the place. finally found the place, to my horror, its become another shop!!!!! sigh. sigh. sigh. how come close shop liao never mention one. Hebe went on their official site and left a message, encouraging fans to visit her restaurant. but close liao also never say anything. very disappointed loh. sigh!
anyway, while we were at hsin chu, i happened to see a Top Girl store just near the train station. very happy! i was just wondering and worrying how do i visit a Top Girl shop, as i need to buy their special limited edition t-shirts designed by S.H.E themselves. it wasn't released yet when i went to the outlet in taipei. so very lucky i managed to spot the store. in the end i only bought Selina's t-shirt. i wanted to buy all 3, but aiyah, on tight budget. i feel full of regrets now loh. SIGH!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
爱的3温暖: the book is finally here!

well, it supposedly came out on the 31st july, thats the official release and date of collection. but when i went to the bookstore that day at 8pm, the staff said the stocks not there yet. *faints!* so i went back on 2nd Aug, the books weren't even displayed on the shelves or anything. when i presented my collection card, the staff had to search for my pack hidden under the table. wah, do they have to be so... secretive about it? because mine's the pre-order 预购版,i really wanted to find out whats the 发行版 like. Hmmm.....
Anyway, the book is really thick! i watched 完全娱乐 when S.H.E were guests (actually, only S.H were on the show, Ella had to be away to do her filming) the hosts were like "this is not a 写真书,its like a harry potter or da vinci code novel!" and i couldn't agree more. its got 70,000 words!
Selina and Hebe were really funny on the show, where they played 比手画脚, the winner will get a hong bao of 1000台币. the host asked Hebe to tell to the camera, how much she needed the 1000 bucks, her reactions were so 综艺 so funny! Hebe was so 活泼 that she said she's more 放得开 whenever Ella wasn't around. haha.
ok back to the book, like i said, its really thick. and i love it! the quality of the paper was fantastic, not those filmsy brownish paper (that will turn yellow after time) or plain boring ones, the paper material was really good! and i was really careful in handling the book, i washed my hands thoroughly before i unwrapped and touched it, because i didnt want oily fingerprint marks on the book. haha!
i am taking my time to read it, because its in 繁体字, i have no problem with traditional characters lah, eh i read the entire series of 还珠格格 and 苍天有泪 in 繁体字! and you know 琼瑶 can be so 'cheem' at times? haha. just that now, with age catching up on me, i had to read it at slower pace and carefully too, so to fully understand what they were talking about. sigh. 只差没戴老花眼镜. hahahah!!!
the photos and pictures were AWESOME! Selina is really funny, Hebe's very philosophical (rather 长气 and gets off the point occasionally, haha) and Ella's a wonderful drawer. so far i'm only at like page 40.
i shall blog on my 读后感言and 心得 after i finish the book. hee.
just to add something...
for the past few weeks, my boss asked me to be in office at 10am every day. that is not a problem, cos its like rather late, considering most of employees start work at 7am or 8.30am.
the only thing is, what can i do in office at 10am? i cant use my laptop, because the boss thinks thats inefficient. ok, so i cant check emails that prudential send out regarding news and information? whatever.
anyway, past few weeks, i am indeed in office at 10am everyday. ok maybe some days were like 10.10am or something. or some days i have prudential training courses at newton. some days the boss is not in his room. so i do my own stuff and tasks on hand, and i usually leave at 11.30 or 12noon, depending on where n when i meet my friends or clients for lunch.
here's the thing, some days the boss returns at maybe 12noon, and he'll see i'm not in office. and he immediately assumes i wasn't in office at 10am. bloody hell. how did i know he assumes that? well, he told me abt it this morning "eileen, i have never seen u in office at 10am."
i was boiling inside. because, firstly, he's not even in his room at 10am! ok, its also my fault that i never go into his room to say hi when he is indeed around, i just do my own things quietly outside. i didnt say anything to his accusation, he continued "i asked my people, and none of them said they saw you"
我整个人怒火中烧!because the thing is, at 10am in office, i have never seen any of his people around! most of my colleagues reach office after lunch time, 2pm or some come in at 5pm. excuse me, how then will they ever see me in the morning?
i almost wanted to scream at him like "HELLO? ur people? since when ur people come into office in the morning??" but i didnt lah, i just replied very nicely with "oh, i also don't see them around in the morning"
but i have witnesses lah, duh, i maybe low profile, but i am not invisible. people from the other agency have seen me lah. the manager of another agency said to me once "hey eileen, i have been seeing u regularly in the morning recently, very good" ok simple comments like these would brighten up my day. i dont need compliments, i just need encouragements and acknowledgement. is that so bloody difficult and demanding??
i think my boss is angry that i leave office early too. eh, i do need to go out and meet people rite? ah boh how? sigh. and i think he also cannot grasp the concept that i need time to travel from point A to point B. once, he was looking at my schedule which i wrote as:
10am-11am: office
12noon: appointment at expo
he said "i notice u have a big gap from 11am until 12noon, what were u doing in between?" its so irritating to have this kinda stupid interrogation. he continued to say that i should have stayed in office longer to do cold callings until the next appointment at 12noon. err. right. i do need time to travel u know? i dont think he even knows how long it takes to travel on train from tanjong pagar to expo. either that or he thinks i can fly.
it is the biggest pet peeve of mine to be wronged and maligned. i just cannot stand the fact that my efforts and past achievements were conveniently erased and forgotten, what he said and accused me of, its as if i have ALWAYS been performing badly. i hate double standards. my production for past months have been OK. not high flyer not fantastic, but OK. i have this colleague who always have difficulty closing case, its not that he's lazy, but he just cannot bring in cases. there was once in meeting the boss commented on his efforts, because he "broke the egg" for that month. boss was really happy that the agent is no longer zero case. and then the same boss tells me that i've never been to office at 10am and that my production has been real bad, actually he said it was horrible. i mean, what the hell? stupid double standards.
i know its unethical and bloody wrong to bitch about work. but i've been so suppressed lately that i'm gonna explode if i dont let it out. so, no names have been mentioned for obvious reasons.
the only thing is, what can i do in office at 10am? i cant use my laptop, because the boss thinks thats inefficient. ok, so i cant check emails that prudential send out regarding news and information? whatever.
anyway, past few weeks, i am indeed in office at 10am everyday. ok maybe some days were like 10.10am or something. or some days i have prudential training courses at newton. some days the boss is not in his room. so i do my own stuff and tasks on hand, and i usually leave at 11.30 or 12noon, depending on where n when i meet my friends or clients for lunch.
here's the thing, some days the boss returns at maybe 12noon, and he'll see i'm not in office. and he immediately assumes i wasn't in office at 10am. bloody hell. how did i know he assumes that? well, he told me abt it this morning "eileen, i have never seen u in office at 10am."
i was boiling inside. because, firstly, he's not even in his room at 10am! ok, its also my fault that i never go into his room to say hi when he is indeed around, i just do my own things quietly outside. i didnt say anything to his accusation, he continued "i asked my people, and none of them said they saw you"
我整个人怒火中烧!because the thing is, at 10am in office, i have never seen any of his people around! most of my colleagues reach office after lunch time, 2pm or some come in at 5pm. excuse me, how then will they ever see me in the morning?
i almost wanted to scream at him like "HELLO? ur people? since when ur people come into office in the morning??" but i didnt lah, i just replied very nicely with "oh, i also don't see them around in the morning"
but i have witnesses lah, duh, i maybe low profile, but i am not invisible. people from the other agency have seen me lah. the manager of another agency said to me once "hey eileen, i have been seeing u regularly in the morning recently, very good" ok simple comments like these would brighten up my day. i dont need compliments, i just need encouragements and acknowledgement. is that so bloody difficult and demanding??
i think my boss is angry that i leave office early too. eh, i do need to go out and meet people rite? ah boh how? sigh. and i think he also cannot grasp the concept that i need time to travel from point A to point B. once, he was looking at my schedule which i wrote as:
10am-11am: office
12noon: appointment at expo
he said "i notice u have a big gap from 11am until 12noon, what were u doing in between?" its so irritating to have this kinda stupid interrogation. he continued to say that i should have stayed in office longer to do cold callings until the next appointment at 12noon. err. right. i do need time to travel u know? i dont think he even knows how long it takes to travel on train from tanjong pagar to expo. either that or he thinks i can fly.
it is the biggest pet peeve of mine to be wronged and maligned. i just cannot stand the fact that my efforts and past achievements were conveniently erased and forgotten, what he said and accused me of, its as if i have ALWAYS been performing badly. i hate double standards. my production for past months have been OK. not high flyer not fantastic, but OK. i have this colleague who always have difficulty closing case, its not that he's lazy, but he just cannot bring in cases. there was once in meeting the boss commented on his efforts, because he "broke the egg" for that month. boss was really happy that the agent is no longer zero case. and then the same boss tells me that i've never been to office at 10am and that my production has been real bad, actually he said it was horrible. i mean, what the hell? stupid double standards.
i know its unethical and bloody wrong to bitch about work. but i've been so suppressed lately that i'm gonna explode if i dont let it out. so, no names have been mentioned for obvious reasons.
i dont know what i'm living for
i don't know who i am.
i dont know what im good at.
dunno my strengths, dunno my interests.
just what am i capable of?
those are the questions on my mind while on the train back home. im rather ok with my current job. i like it. i think it gives me good feelings when i provide financial solutions to my clients. i also feel good when my clients tell me "hey, thanks for this plan, i know i spend money like crazy, but now i can have a peace of mind, knowing i also have savings somewhere."
but then again, i'm not exactly comfortable with the "sales" aspect of it. as in, i don't exactly like to do road shows, i also hate door knockings and cold callings.
i recently had a talk with someone who just graduated from university. meaning she's younger than me lah, and just started working. we introduced ourselves and she asked me what i do, i said im an insurance agent with prudential. her reaction wasn't like "oh no!". it was more like "but why?". ha. the conversation was somewhat as follows:
me: oh, i'm with prudential. insurance agent.
she: oh, i see. but why didn't u go corporate or some executive positions or civil sector? where did u study and graduate?
yeah. i was thinkin to myself. what is so bad abt insurance that ppl will think its a lowly job? i wanted to ask her, why? is my job a very bad one, that i'd be better off at corporate? i paused for like 5 seconds. i know that 5 seconds felt like 10 years, because i was asking myself what am i doing? just what other jobs can i apply for? what exactly is my strength that employers will wanna hire me? i felt so small then. i felt like the smallest person in the room. with no achievements, no love life or relationship to speak of, im basically just nothing. alive that is. i'm worth alot more when i'm dead.
i think im at a crossroad. not knowing where i should head next. i know i'm not a sales person. i am not good at approaching people. so i know i can never be in retail. i can still get by with my current job, because i get referrals from clients and friends. and when i meet them, i have no problem doing a one on one financial presentation (or whatever u call it). i'm not very sociable, but the strange thing is, if i'm in a gathering where there are more talkative ppl around, i'll be the listener, not making any noise or comment, basically it'll be like i'm not there. but if i'm around ppl that are more shy and quiet than me, i'll be the super hyper one, talk up rubbish and break the ice. its so weird rite. if i'm at a party, i'll be at a corner by myself with a sangria or vodka in my hand. ok, abit off point, but what the hell.
i really dont know what i'm good at. but i know i'm bad at retail sales, bad at speaking in public, bad at giving presentations to a lecture room of ppl. while i was still schooling, i'd score high for term papers and essays and compositions (primary sch is call composition rite?) but i would suck at projects that require presentations and speaking in front of the class. sigh.
so what good do i do? just what exactly are my skills and qualities??
the best part is, i'm not getting any younger. the more i think, the lousier i think of myself. they always say,
if u don't have the brains, then u must have the looks.
not a good looker, then u must have talents.
not talented, then u must have a sense of humour.
if u're not funny, then u gotta be rich.
i am none of those things! i don't even know how to begin to describe how sad i am about my talentless self. i think i'm just a piece of crap and a lump of fat and a pathetic loser who is good at nothing but breathe air. no wonder my boss hates me.
i dont know what im good at.
dunno my strengths, dunno my interests.
just what am i capable of?
those are the questions on my mind while on the train back home. im rather ok with my current job. i like it. i think it gives me good feelings when i provide financial solutions to my clients. i also feel good when my clients tell me "hey, thanks for this plan, i know i spend money like crazy, but now i can have a peace of mind, knowing i also have savings somewhere."
but then again, i'm not exactly comfortable with the "sales" aspect of it. as in, i don't exactly like to do road shows, i also hate door knockings and cold callings.
i recently had a talk with someone who just graduated from university. meaning she's younger than me lah, and just started working. we introduced ourselves and she asked me what i do, i said im an insurance agent with prudential. her reaction wasn't like "oh no!". it was more like "but why?". ha. the conversation was somewhat as follows:
me: oh, i'm with prudential. insurance agent.
she: oh, i see. but why didn't u go corporate or some executive positions or civil sector? where did u study and graduate?
yeah. i was thinkin to myself. what is so bad abt insurance that ppl will think its a lowly job? i wanted to ask her, why? is my job a very bad one, that i'd be better off at corporate? i paused for like 5 seconds. i know that 5 seconds felt like 10 years, because i was asking myself what am i doing? just what other jobs can i apply for? what exactly is my strength that employers will wanna hire me? i felt so small then. i felt like the smallest person in the room. with no achievements, no love life or relationship to speak of, im basically just nothing. alive that is. i'm worth alot more when i'm dead.
i think im at a crossroad. not knowing where i should head next. i know i'm not a sales person. i am not good at approaching people. so i know i can never be in retail. i can still get by with my current job, because i get referrals from clients and friends. and when i meet them, i have no problem doing a one on one financial presentation (or whatever u call it). i'm not very sociable, but the strange thing is, if i'm in a gathering where there are more talkative ppl around, i'll be the listener, not making any noise or comment, basically it'll be like i'm not there. but if i'm around ppl that are more shy and quiet than me, i'll be the super hyper one, talk up rubbish and break the ice. its so weird rite. if i'm at a party, i'll be at a corner by myself with a sangria or vodka in my hand. ok, abit off point, but what the hell.
i really dont know what i'm good at. but i know i'm bad at retail sales, bad at speaking in public, bad at giving presentations to a lecture room of ppl. while i was still schooling, i'd score high for term papers and essays and compositions (primary sch is call composition rite?) but i would suck at projects that require presentations and speaking in front of the class. sigh.
so what good do i do? just what exactly are my skills and qualities??
the best part is, i'm not getting any younger. the more i think, the lousier i think of myself. they always say,
if u don't have the brains, then u must have the looks.
not a good looker, then u must have talents.
not talented, then u must have a sense of humour.
if u're not funny, then u gotta be rich.
i am none of those things! i don't even know how to begin to describe how sad i am about my talentless self. i think i'm just a piece of crap and a lump of fat and a pathetic loser who is good at nothing but breathe air. no wonder my boss hates me.
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