Tuesday, August 25, 2009

S.H.E 爱的3温暖:after thoughts

读到 selina 说她在北一女的故事,让我很怀念中学的时期。虽然不太记得,但印象中好像满 carefree 的,每什么压力。i was very very low profile in class, and didnt have a clique of very very good friends or 死党. the only thing i knew was to do homework and study for tests. hahaha! the stories Selina wrote were somewhat very happening, because for me, i didnt know the meaning of being rebelious and 不会和老师顶嘴。i think the most 叛逆 thing i ever done was skip track and field. i hated that CCA (课外活动). the teachers and coaches were simply crap.

看到Hebe拍的好多张照片。日本,泰国,等等... so many places! 顿时觉得自己的世界好小。生活也乏味,我梦想中的生活是多姿多彩。一直幻想: 喝个class的下午茶。没事飞台北逛逛。放假时飞纽约买衣服,再到L.A的某某bar看帅哥美女。 hahahaha...

Ella说她像个小太阳,永远照亮别人。其实她内心满忧郁的。这一点还和自己有像leh. i like making lame jokes, 跟朋友聊天时喜欢说好笑的事件/故事。但自己不是开心的。sigh.

it's an interesting book. i mean, who knew that S.H.E would release a book that they themselves are authors? a fan once asked Hebe if she would ever author a book, as Hebe 的文字很特别/创作能力满强的 (she also writes lyrics!), and Hebe replied "应该不太可能" hahaha... 所以真的很意外,她们出写真书。她们的 “跟我一起去旅行” 我有买!! hehe. another thing that took me by surprise is, 原来 selina used to bully her little sister, because she's jealous of all the attention 妹妹 is receiving. hahahaha...

她们出唱片,出书,出写真,开演唱会,设计衣服,主持节目,拍戏,又那么综艺/会搞笑,开电台当DJ, 真的是好多元化,不知道下一步她们会有什么新鲜的尝试。开个S.H.E的综艺节目?! 哈哈,应该会忙死她们吧!

希望 S.H.E 能多来新加坡!因为我飞到台北也见不到她们 lah,
「S.H.E is the One@爱而为一」世界巡回演唱会, 首站 at 香港红墈体育馆 16/17 October 2009.
期待 S.H.E 在新加坡的演出。 Yay!!

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