Wednesday, September 26, 2007

whole nine yards

i watched this movie a coupla days ago (i saw it before, years ago, so cant really remember the plot) and i almost died from laughing too hard n so much!! hahahaha.. ok, its not bruce wilis. duh. its matthew perry (aka chandler bing, my favorite guy on FRIENDS) whom made me laughed til crazy. he's such a HOOT!!! every scene with him is hilarious. he has such a comical vibe, not jus his looks, but the way he delivered the punchlines n his personality, everythin. like he's born to do comedies. i actually think jim carrey can step aside. ho ho ho!!

*swoons* wat can i say? i would love to have a bf/hubby like him. hee hee!!

yes. like hell i'm gonna meet such a wonderfully funny guy in singapore. maybe i should be like monica gellar first... hmmm...


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